

Let's Contact at JOTI 2009
We are located in south central region of Yokohama City in Japan. There are 13 groups with over 800 Scouts and Leaders registered in Scouts Association of Japan (SAJ) and enjoying the Scout activities.
Because our official Web site is in Japanese, this temporary English site is created for JOTI purpose to introduce about us to those Scouts and Leaders in the world who are interested to communicate over JOTI in October 17 and 18, 2009.

To prepare for a quick start once JOTI begins, please post your contact information from our Guest Book link on right.
Additional Information
One of our Group has English Web site, please visit to see their activities.
i.e. Yokohama Group 87   URL: http://www5.airnet.ne.jp/bsy87/
Celebrating the BP Birthday in 2009

12th Kanagawa Camporee

Activities (4)

The 12th Kanagawa Camporee (12KC) was held on 2 - 6 August 2009 in Asagiri heights, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Because of H1N1 influenza virus alert, the invitation of foreign Scouts was cancelled and activity was also cut down in it size. So, it was a greatest disappointment for not able to meet with the Scouts of Incheon and others.

We hope to communicate with many Scouts from outside Japan through this JOTA and JOTI.


Marimba and Piano

Activities (3)
In June, we have had a Charity Concert of Marimba and Piano. Beaver Scouts were invited on a stage to play the Marimba together.

They were very excited to play because it was a first time in their life.

35 Years Friendship with Inchoen, Korea

Activities (2)

We have 35 years history of exchange program with Incheon Council of Korea.

This January, we visited Incheon and became friends with the Scouts of Korea, and also learned a lot of things in Korea.

More information about this visit is available in English at following Web site.
       Yokohama Group 87 URL: http://www5.airnet.ne.jp/bsy87/

150th Anniversary at Yokohama

Activities (1)

This year, Yokohama is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the opening of port. In May, we have participated the parade.

This parade is every year event but it was especially very large this year. It is important task for Scouting members to lend a hand for guarding this parade course every year.

One of big attraction was this huge mechanical Spider, operated by 7 people.

It is 12 meters high and 37 tons in weight.