
We see you all at the JOTA-JOTI 2014 - Yokohama 87

We will be making the contacts by Skype, email and SNS (Facebook) at coming JOTA-JOTi 2014 (Oct. 18-19, 2014).  So, we will looking forward to hearing from you all.

More messages are posted at the Facebook "JOTA-JOTI Kanagawa Japan."

                Album of Yokohama 87 at Facebook

Also, in below, the video message from our Beavers.


Peace Starts with Me - Yokohama 87 (Video Message)

”Peace Start with Me" slide video to send out the peace messages from Yokohama Group 87 in Japan.

世界平和デーのプロジェクト「平和は私たちから始まる」の動画スライド(ボーイスカウ­ト横浜第87団)  (2014.9)