
Greeting to you all !!

We wish this year will be the happiest and best for you.


Xmas Greetings 2012

Cub Pack Den 4 of Yokohama Group 87

P.S. Still working to translate the messages from Cubs to be posted.  Please wait a little bit more.

Xmas Greetings 2012

Cub Pack Den 3 of Yokohama Group 87

P.S. Still working to translate the messages from Cubs to be posted.  Please wait a little bit more.

Xmas Greetings 2012

Cub Pack Den 2 of Yokohama Group 87

P.S. Still working to translate the messages from Cubs to be posted.  Please wait a little bit more.

Xmas Greetings 2012

Cub Pack Den 1 of Yokohama Group 87

P.S. Still working to translate the messages from Cubs to be posted.  Please wait a little bit more.


JOTA-JOTI 2012 - Live joti.TV

joti.TV will provide the live shots from those participants of JOTA-JOTI,
Yokohama Nanoh district have this live screen registered.

When we have live shot - this slide show will change to a live video.

Live video for mobile from Ustream


8th APR Air / Internet Jamboree

8th Asia Pacific Regional Air / Internet Jamboree, hosted by Korea Council, was held on August 4 and 5.  One of our district's group participated the Forest Photo Festival of this event. There was active communication by Facebook where you can also:


Our photo to the Forest Photo Festival


2012 Field Activity and Messages

The Cub Scouts of Yokohama 87 are sending messages to scout friends in the world.  

Photo was taken at the joint field activity with Beavers in May.  
Many games were played and competed by the teams of Cubs and Beavers.


2012 Parade and Scouts

 Do you know Ninjya ! 

On May 3rd, 20 scouts of Beaver and Cub, from groups of Odawara No. 1, 6, 10 , 12 and 13, have dressed up as Ninjya Fuma and participated the parade of Samurai, Festival of Houjyo the Fifth in Odawara.

It was raining hard till morning, but it had stopped by a time the parade to start.  This may be due to a strong wish of scouts to participate this parade.


2012 Spring - Cherry Blossom and Scouts (3)

From our neighbor district of Odawara, we have another report.
The scouts of this group love singing and dancing !!
Beautiful Cherry Blossom

We nave two new scouts

You can send us a message through email and/or Facebook (2012 JOTA-JOTI page):
for Facebook :   see right of "2012 JOTA-JOTI Eng"

2012 Spring - Cherry Blossom and Scouts (2)

There is other report from Beavers of Minami-Ashigara group, our neighbor district, located in south of Kanagawa, where they have had the blossom a week earlier from Yokohama.

Mt. Fuji is very close by

[ from Minami-Ashigara Goup 1 ] 

There are a legend of KINTARO (name of worrier).
Please click here to see its story.

[ Odawara Castle with Cherry Blossom ] 

You can send us a message through email and/or Facebook (2012 JOTA-JOTI page):

for Facebook :   see right of "2012 JOTA-JOTI Eng"


2012 Spring - Cherry Blossom and Scouts

To Dear Scout Friends,

It is now spring in Japan! We have had a long and cold winter, but here in Yokohama and Tokyo area, we are surrounded by cherry blossom.

Because Japan is stretched from south to north, the cherry blossom time differ by each region. Japanese people love cherry blossom and enjoy the blossom with friends and family. We may walk through to see those beautiful cherry blossoms, but most common event is to hold a party under the blossom which may be a unique tradition of Japan.

Yokohama and Tokyo area have announced the full blossom last Friday, but East and North Japan is still yet to come.

[ from Yokohama Group 87 ] 

You can send us a message through email and/or Facebook (2012 JOTA-JOTI page):

for Facebook :   see right of "2012 JOTA-JOTI Eng"

(updated :  2012-4-14)


Happy New Year 2012

2012 is a year of Dragon.
There are 12 animals assigned to each year
that will repeat over by 12 years.

Dragon is considered as a good luck and
brings a chance to accomplish ones objective,
because a Dragon will fly sky high up!