
2012 Field Activity and Messages

The Cub Scouts of Yokohama 87 are sending messages to scout friends in the world.  

Photo was taken at the joint field activity with Beavers in May.  
Many games were played and competed by the teams of Cubs and Beavers.


2012 Parade and Scouts

 Do you know Ninjya ! 

On May 3rd, 20 scouts of Beaver and Cub, from groups of Odawara No. 1, 6, 10 , 12 and 13, have dressed up as Ninjya Fuma and participated the parade of Samurai, Festival of Houjyo the Fifth in Odawara.

It was raining hard till morning, but it had stopped by a time the parade to start.  This may be due to a strong wish of scouts to participate this parade.